Puppet Person Pops out Person favorite Puppet

this is my uncle enjoying his hobby and passion...entertaining children, and pets

Finger Love

My Father Playing My Drums

this is my dad playing on my drumset u never know what kind of face my dad will make when he's into his drumming!! he drops a beast beat!!!!!!


Switchfoot came on after Chris Tomlin and wel they rocked the house!! like for reals!! everyone was singing and dancing it was an amazing experience at the Celebrate Freedom 2011

Prasie The Lort :D

Celebrate Freedom 2011 June 25 when Chris Tomlin hit the stage every pair of hands shot up in praise...it was pretty powerful

My Drums

this is an angled shot of my drumset

Heart Hands

this is me and my best friends hand at a baseball game this is the result of bordum :D